Experiment - WEEK 20 : Mix New Game Genre?

[DEVLOG] Week 20


Mix New Game Genre?

I started experimenting with a bullet hell plugin Bullet Up Hell for Godot.

Idea is to have a boss battle minigame inside the main game, with a totally different game genre, inspired by Void Stranger.


MoRe CoNtEnT wHeN ? ¿ ? ¿

I'm not sure, I've got a lot of stuff on my plate right now... might have to pause weekly updates for a bit, not sure yet.


Community Contributions ❤️

A new contributor mhvejs added a quality of life tweak to the export/import modal (now selects all text on click).

We fixed some unexpected bugs (e.g. locked-out).

Coming Soon? The writing department, the music department and the art department are cooking right now 👀 (Some of the content is done but not yet merged into the game.)


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Alright! Listen, this is gonna be confusing but it makes sense - I can't wait for some new content, but I can wait for new content. I   still have the task of making a soul to pass the time, if need be. I can't wait to see where this goes - I hope the lore can develop somewhere even more interesting...


Awesome work - hope things slow down a little bit for you!