๐ŸŒŽ Language Update: French & Chinese (SC)

Language Update


  • English (original)
  • NEW: French -by- Marion Veber - linkedin.com: marion-veber 
  • NEW: Chinese (Simplified Chinese)  -by-  Vikky & Gloria (Middlebury Institute of International Studies) 
  • COMMING NEXT: Portuguese ? ๐Ÿ‘€

Technical Notes

  • Chinese needed a custom font for the web version of the game.
  • Chinese needed custom settings for line breaks (break by word did not work for their special characters in Godot 4.3).
  • French needed slight UI adjustments for long words.

Other Changes

  • Changed shortcut for music track change from Ctrl+N to Ctrl+M because the first one opens tabs on web browsers already!

Let me know if you find any bugs that sneaked in. ๐Ÿ‘€


EDIT: After 24 hours, seems itch.io algorithm liked the update + devlog combo and returned the game to the front page.

We got 1400 views just today! The same amount as in the last 30 days!



web_prototype_release_1_1_fix_debug.zip 60 MB
79 days ago

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