The Best Game Ever - WEEK 3 : First Playable Prototype

[DEVLOG] Week 3

Current Goal 

Working on recreating a similar experience to the classic "a dark room" game.

Newest Progress 

Added a bunch of little content things, short showcase video:

Next Week ?

  • Extend gameplay to new dimensions: NPC's with dialogue and quests ? 
  • Multiple save files system ?



  • design (rough sketch) the first phase (chapter) of gameplay in figma


  • resource generator max amount
  • resource generator random weighted drops
  • start implementing the desig: explore, scavange, dredge, firepit, smelting


  • Line2D effect created
  • Line2D effect disabled because it does not look as good as imagined
  • continue implementing the desig: axe, pickaxe, shovel, wood, stone, clay, spear, wild, house
  • add progress button columns to world screen
  • keep track of spent resources in save file


  • play testing current prototype, balancing guesses, taking notes and brainstorming ideas
  • writing out a long detaild todo list, sorting tasks by priority


  • added workers and worker manager
  • firepit worker event
  • house worker event
  • add flavor text to worker roles
  • add default worker role
  • added more worker roles


  • label effect (subviewport gpu particles)
  • label effect queue
  • refactor sorting of resources
  • label text animation to show typed letter by letter (tween)
  • sort progress button columns in world tab
  • add columns and sort columns in manager tab
  • insufficient resources highlight effect created
  • insufficient resources highlight effect removed because it does not look as good as imagined
  • instead, add insufficient resources blink effect after clicking progress button (tween)
  • create component: simple_tween.tscn with .call() usage (custom minimalistic alternative to animation player)


  • add progress bar to manager screen (or onto resource storage)
  • on worker role passive generation, manager button (or resource storage item) emits label effect
  • experiment with pixel art, create cat asset
  • forest camp to forest village event upgrade on fourth house
  • add debug resources event for easier testing
  • add compass tease
  • fix save file access NPE bug (forgot to use safe .get with default value 0)
  • record short video of current prototype version
  • html release 
  • fix file utils for html release (".tres.remap" issue)
  • playtest html release
  • post devlog week 3 to
  • post short video to reddit

Long-Term Goal 

I have a dream to make the best game ever or die trying.

I will post a weekly update while trying to work on this project every day.

The game genre and everything else is subject to change.

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