The Best Game Ever - WEEK 4 : Save File's and a Cat

[DEVLOG] Week 4

Current Goal 

Working on recreating a similar experience to the classic "a dark room" game, with personal TWIST's and stuff...

Newest Progress 

Added a sneak peak of the Cat NPC character...

Added multiple save file's support... 

Can load, delete and rename the slots. 

Each stores game-data and meta-data.

Also, some style decisions... removed outline from non-buttons (left is new, right is old):

Next Week ?

  • Close the resources game loop? (Have a final goal towards which all resources are building up to?)
  • The beginning of the Cat NPC story questline ?


MONDAY - bug fixing the previous week, minor refactors and improvements

  • fix firepit and house timers not starting after reloading save file
  • fix null exception on loading "spent_" prefix resources 
  • fix on_hover for mobile web players (add on_click since there is no hover in this case)
  • fix pivot on buttons
  • fix tween components (properly stop and dispose of tween when starting animation multiple consecutive times in a row)
  • refactor unlock controller for changing resources
  • refactor tabs to allow more control over any one individual tab
  • add unlock tween to tabs
  • add "+1 population" (label effect particle) on house button when it generates a new peasant
  • center label inside margin container (label effect particle)
  • remove outline from population worker role panels (only keep outline around actual buttons, i.e + and - buttons)

TUESDAY - support multiple save files DESIGN and UI

  • added save file metadata (version, playtime, created timestamp, updated timestamp)
  • added version label to settings ui
  • design save file picker ui

WENSDAY - support multiple save files IMPLEMENTATION

  • refactor SaveFile to use enums (create support converter for old save files)
  • re-refactor SaveFile to NOT use enums (tried it, did not like how it looks and feels inside the Godot script)
  • refactor SaveFile node to support multiple save files
  • make main scene the save file picker scene, which then opens the previous main scene
  • implement save file picker ui: display save files with metadata info and load/delete buttons
  • implement save file picker logic: load, delete, new
  • when saving new file name duplicate, increment file name suffix
  • when starting game for the first time, skip save file selection screen
  • new save file name and rename: input text field on mouse hover
  • create string utils to sanitize file name and metadata name

THRUSTDAY - support multiple save files FINISHING TOUCHES

  • move disable scrollbars method to scroll container utils
  • create date time utils to format display of play time and last played timestamp
  • save timezone to metadata
  • sort save files by last time played
  • show last time played in save file ui
  • hide game version metadata in save file ui
  • allow save file rename
  • fix save file bugs: rename overwritten by preloaded save data, sanitize renamed text, corruption by not closing file access
  • add save file "signature" to prevent unexpected corruption (sometimes end of file gets appended random junk, "signature" allows to detect it and remove it)
  • fix corruption (properly close files)

FRIDAY - minor improvements

  • set save file picker theme to most recently played save file's theme setting
  • re-calculate efficiencies on save load
  • on not enough resources event, show not yet obtained resources too

SATURDAY - refactor rest day

  • refactor and organize the source code for readability and maintainability

SUNDAY - relax and pet the cat

  • npc cat introduction

Long-Term Goal 

I have a dream to make the best game ever or die trying.

I will post a weekly update while trying to work on this project every day.

The game genre and everything else is subject to change.

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