A Dark Forest - WEEK 7 : Community Feedback

[DEVLOG] Week 7


  • Community feedback
  • Patch notes for week 7


The Community Feedback

The community feedback on reddit and incrementaldb was awesome!

Some things were implemented right away (see this week's Patch Notes below), others added to the TODO list (see github README).

Thanks to posting on r/incremental_games, there was another influx of new viewers and feedback! A bit bigger than after previous week's incrementaldb post someone created. The posts in Godot communities get a bit buried, but any feedback is good!


Patch Notes


  • DEATH'S DOOR sneak peek ... (kill or spare defeated enemies...)

More enemies coming soon!

 Quality Of Life 

  • highlight resource (NA) if it is a bottleneck (amount is less than what was needed)
  • highlight population worker roles on resource storage item hover
  • highlight resource storage items on population worker role -/+ button hover


  • add diary event for not accepting the cat gift proposition

 Bug Fixes 

  • fix repeating gift event
  • fix trigger population worker roles by order (first producers then consumers)
  • fix enemy info on click for mobile (touchscreen does not have on hover events)


  • refactor text's from across various objects to a single locale object (makes localization much easier in the future)
  • enable itch support me button (research paypal & stripe, decide to use "collected by itch.io" instead, for now)
  • rewrite the TODO notes on the github repo README file

Next Week?

Hmm... something... bigger ?

P.S. Trying to juggle & balance: 9-5 job work, hobbies, social life, health, ... alongside  free time for gamedev... has taken a toll on my sleep schedule. ⚰️


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