Interlude - WEEK 9 : Welcoming New Contributors

[DEVLOG] Week 9


Welcoming New Contributors

This week, we are trying to organize a Trello board and a Discord community, to make contributing to the project easy for everyone!

We welcome all roles (coding, design, audio, art, writing, ...) and all skill levels (even if you are just starting to learn, e.g. Godot).

Let's learn & experience game development together! 

Keeping it chill and relaxed, consider this just a hobby for everyone involved.

This started out as a solo hobby project to learn game development. Now, it is a real adventure! A rebirth of the project after posting in /r/INAT.

We currently have, joining our Trello board... (alphabetical)

P.S. we would love a designer to help with the current state of the UI.

Add me on Discord (tiny_takin_teller) if you wish to contribute. 


Patch Notes




  • Project refactor to remove all lint warnings


  • Settings screen
  • Credits screen

Quality of Life

  • Music tracks and music playback implementation
  • Sounds and sound playback implementation
  • Offline Progression
  • Save File Import & Export


  • Story & Lore (re)write
  • Refactor content to fit with new Story & Lore narrative
  • New Content after soulstone resource
  • Multiple endings & mini-game-boss-battle(s)


The biggest problem so far, is that there was no plan nor organization nor a GDD from the start... But we are getting somewhere now ๐Ÿ‘€

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