A Dark Forest - WEEK 11 : Audio Update - Music & SFX

[DEVLOG] Week 11


Audio Update - Music & SFX

Patch Notes

The game now has two music tracks and many SFX sounds, alongside with their settings screen, of course.

Our contributor Alex Munoz took the initiative and built the base audio functionality, alongside fetching the base SFX sounds.

The two music tracks were found on freemusicarchive.org, and some SFX sounds from freesound.org.


Coming Soon - More Music Tracks

Our contributor BurkeZerk composed four music tracks for the project already! These are eagerly waiting to be integrated into the game music track playlist! (Music Track Playlist Settings coming soon?)

Our contributor Skyler Newsome is also a music composer. 

What will we do with all these music tracks? ๐Ÿ‘€


Coming Soon - Story & Lore

 Our contributor Abyssal Novelist has been secretly writing some banger content, stay alert for future updates ๐Ÿ‘€


Bug Fixes

The infinite quantities were causing a bit of a problem with resources, but a workaround has been deployed!

Brainstorming a bit, what if "Infinity" collapsed into a new resource, a black hole or a singularity? ๐Ÿ‘€


Technical Updates

We have a new contributor! 

Say hello to Mellifica, they started by adding a great development setup guide to the project's Github page, alongside with the venv support for the godo-gdcript-toolkit!



We have some new roles in Discord and an improved organization of the Trello board now.

If you are interested, can come and contribute? We are all learning together!๐Ÿ‘€

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